Thanks to Reviewers

The Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine would like to thank the following individuals who reviewed on a voluntary basis all manuscripts submitted over the last year.

Their help highly improved the quality of our journal.


Giorgio  Bertolotti (Italy), Matteo Bonato (Italy), Stefano Carlone (Italy), Gaetano Cicchitto (Italy),
Annalisa Cogo (Italy), Roberto W. Dal Negro (Italy), Mario Del Donno (Italy), Fabiano Di Marco (Italy),
Fabrizio Facchini (Italy), Giovanni Ferrara (Italy), Silvia Forte (Italy), Ahmad Kantar (Italy),
Stefano Marinari (Italy), Alessandro Mastinu (Italy), Sherif A.A. Mohamed (Egypt), Paride Morlino (Italy),
Stefano G. Nardini (Italy), Franco Pasqua (Italy), Salvatore Privitera (Italy),
Alessandro Sanduzzi Zamparelli (Italy), Antonio Sanna (Italy), Domenico M. Toraldo (Italy), Carlo Vancheri (Italy), Umberto Vincenzi (Italy), Piero Visaggi (Italy)